Welcome to the 2019 Committee

At our AGM on Thursday evening, we’re pleased to say that the updated constitution for the Carine Junior Football Club was endorsed and we now go through a process of ratification by the appropriate government department.

Damon Lonnie, outgoing President, presented his fourth and final President’s Report, sharing that in 2018 we achieved almost 600 registrations with eight teams represented in Open Rules football. Registrations grew by over 15% over the last two years with our Club the only one in the Subiaco District to achieve real growth in the season. He indicated it was clear that Carine is becoming “the club of choice” for many and was buoyed by the achievements over the course of the year. By creating a welcoming and positive environment for all players and parents alike he believes our Club will continue to grow.

Damon listed our many achievements in the 2018 year and also spoke about our coaches, team managers and other volunteers. He paid tribute to the finalists and the winner of the Phil Cousins Volunteer of the Year award, Mike Harrison and acknowledged Campbell Henderson, the 2018 President’s Trophy winner in the Club’s Best and Fairest vote count. Finally, the 2018 committee and outgoing members were thanked, in addition to past presidents and vice-presidents of the Club.

You can read the President’s Report in full he

Your 2019 Committte

Office bearers and general committee members were elected on the evening and the Carine Junior Football Club congratulates the following people.

Brad Hearn

Vice President
Jayd Holmes

Belinda Greenhalgh

Jeffrey Cohen

Lisa Henderson

General Committee
Jan Cater
Damon Lonnie (immediate Past President)
Ann Lord
Dallas Dunlop
Laurie Lord
Luke Richardson
Jacki Rafter

President Brad Hearn said he was excited about what the future holds for the Carine Junior Football Club. “Under Damon’s stewardship over the past four years, the Club has grown from strength to strength. I’m honoured to now be charged with building on that growth with a strong committee and new Vice President Jayd Holmes”. Brad is keen to expand the numbers on our General Committee and welcomes contact from interested parents, “it’s vitally important that we are able to represent the views of all our members, from the youngest Auskickers through to Year 12. With a growing female football competition, we also want to focus on being a Club that is welcoming to all. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss how you might contribute”.

One of Brad’s major goals is to secure improved lighting at our facilities at Beach Road to ensure we can bring night games to our Club and extend training into the evenings in a safe playing environment. “We’ve already met with the local council and will liaise with other user groups to push this forward as a high priority in the coming 12 months”.

Congratulations to Brad Hearn and the 2019 Committee. While portfolios are yet to be formalised for general committee members, please continue to contact them in the usual way, or use our Contact form and we will direct your enquiry to the most appropriate person.