2025 Committee

2025 Committee Contact details are below or please use the contact form and the most appropriate person will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mel Parkinson, 0413 944 710, President@carinefooty.com.au

Vice President
Lachlan Howarth, 0415 513 955, vicepresident@carinefooty.com.au

Kirsten Hendrick, secretary@carinefoooty.com.au

Sonja Spiro, treasurer@carinefooty.com.au

Richard McAllan, 0412 743 725, registrar@carinefooty.com.au

Assistant Registrar
Louise Valentino, 0438 881 959, assistantregistrar@carinefooty.com.au

Misty, 0438 690 782, sponsorship@carinefooty.com.au

Coaching Coordinator
Damian Hanley, 0439 981 872, coaches@carinefooty.com.au

Girls Football Coordinator
Paul Valentino, 0408 955 449, girls@carinefooty.com.au

Auskick Coordinator
Nat Stringer, 0402 417 043, auskick@carinefooty.com.au

Team Managers’ Coordinator
Emma Serjeant, 0410 654 130, managers@carinefooty.com.au

Events Coordinator
Shannon Young, 0416 809 727, events@carinefooty.com.au

Communications Officer
Bryce Twyman, 0404 831 116, comms@carinefooty.com.au

Carine Clubrooms Representative
Mel Parkinson, 0413 944 710, clubrooms@carinefooty.com.au

Trip Group (2025) Coordinator
Janelle Nazarri, trip.2025@carinefooty.com.au

Merchandise Coordinator
Adrian Day, 0427 004 511, merchandise@carinefooty.com.au

Team Photos, Trophies
Brooke Fudlovski, 0403 623 498, coordinator@carinefooty.com.au

Property Manager
Craig Groth, 0414 901 123, property@carinefooty.com.au

Correspondence is monitored regularly and will be responded to by the most appropriate person. Alternatively, use the contact form to get in touch with us.

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